Children’s Ministry Update

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As we navigate these times,

  • Susan Bailey (Fr. Gary’s wife) and I are working on a video ministry at Good Shepherd. Our next project is something for Youth Sunday (Nov. 29) and a Christmas Pageant is in the works, so please let me know if your child/children are interested in being a part of this. Both will air during the Zoom church service. What I need from parents is the names of kids who are interested in participating. Both of these opportunities and future ones will also stream on the Good Shepherd website, so parents need to be aware of this, for permission reasons.

  • Family Advent boxes/bags are also in the planning stages, so more details will follow.

  • I am working on streaming a Veggie Tales movie to provide a break for anyone interested, without having to leave home. Please let me know what day and time works best for each of you and I will compile the answers and come up with a time and day of the week that accommodates the most families.

Sunday School for Grades 3 and up has returned

Sunday School for Grades 3 and up is meeting every Sunday, from 11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.  Elaine Oxenbury hosts this Zoom meeting for kids from Grades 3 and up…middle school kids are welcome to join us.  We will begin by studying a workbook on how to deal with the emotional fallout of COVID life changes, and tie that to Biblical stories and writings.  After that, we’ll look at Advent topics, and then see where the spirit leads us!  We are looking for this to be a gathering place for upper elementary/early middle school kids to be able to touch base and support one another, as well as explore the Bible in reference to our lives.

Here's the link for the Zoom meeting:

Meeting ID: 730 8134 5376

Passcode: MissElaine

You can download and print the workbook here:

If you don’t have access to a printer, please let Elaine know and we’ll make sure you get paper copies delivered to your home.  If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to email Elaine about them!  Elaine’s email is

See you soon!!

Every Sunday afternoon at 3:00, I host a Sunday school time.  I start with a science/object lesson, followed by a Godly Play presentation and ending with a craft.  Please have your kids utilize the other materials (activity and coloring sheets plus a video link for each week’s lesson) that I include in my weekly email either before or after our class time.

November’s presentations will be as follows:

  • November 1: The Story of Joseph

  • November 8: The Story of Moses

  • November 15: The Exodus

  • November 22: The Ten Best ways (The Ten Commandments)

  • November 29: 1 Advent

Everyone is invited to join via the NEW Zoom link below: 

Good Shepherd is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Godly Play

Time:  03:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

I miss seeing families in person, but this is the next best thing right now as we navigate COVID-Land.