Register now for Spring Quest Youth Retreat: Awakened Heart, March 13-15

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In Colorado, we live in a beautiful and sacred part of God’s creation, yet often we are out of touch with nature, or we take it for granted, or we are overwhelmed by the daily news of climate crisis. Join us this spring as we awaken our hearts and reconnect with creation. We will learn ways to quiet the anxiety that surrounds climate crisis and as a community explore how hope is built, not found. We will leave the weekend with concrete actions that each of us can do to help heal and protect this fragile earth, our island home. Together, we will reclaim the ancient Christian understanding that God created, redeems, and sustains all of creation.

Quest youth retreat is for youth grades 6th-12th.

Join us for this amazing weekend of fun and fellowship! 

Registration is open! Early Bird discount ends February 15th.

Register Here

As always, we need volunteers to join us and participate as work crew for the weekend. These are the servants behind the ministry. Without them the weekend could not be successful! Frontier Ranch requires that we have enough volunteers to run work crew properly. Work crew members are primarily responsible for setting up, serving, and cleaning up after meals. Work Crew members must be 18 years or older and have graduated from high school. To ensure that we have enough work crew, each church must provide one work crew for every 1-10 participants. Please contact Rachel Whipp to volunteer!