“Love in Service” Stewardship Campaign finishes on a high note


We want to thank all the Good Shepherd Parishioners that have pledged for the 2020 Stewardship Campaign.  As of 1/27/2020 we have received 160 pledges for $463,172 for an average of $2895 per pledge.  We are currently $20,000 over last year’s total after the supplemental campaign. Way to go!

We will now be able to accomplish several of our goals for minimum salary increases for our staff and expanding our family and youth ministries.  We encourage pledges all during the year, however our Stewardship Campaign generally runs in November and December so we can build a budget for Vestry approval and we presented this budget at the Annual Meeting in January.

Our Stewardship Campaign is very important because the Finance Committee and the Vestry build and approve our 2020 budget based on our 2020 Stewardship Campaign pledges.  Approximately 85% of our total income comes from pledges from our Parishioners to Good Shepherd.  The Good Shepherd family has been very generous in their 2020 pledges.

We wish to thank our Stewardship Committee, our Ambassadors, and our Prayer Team for their commitment to this Ministry.  We also want to thank the Good Shepherd community and family for their generous support of the 2020 Stewardship Campaign.