Candlemas / Feast of the Presentation to be held Sunday, February 2


"What’s Candlemas?” you ask?

On Sunday, February 2nd, we will observe the Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Temple (also known as the Feast of the Purification of the blessed Virgin Mary). 

This feast celebrates the ceremony of purification of Mary on the fortieth day after the birth of Jesus, and of the presentation or offering of or Jesus to the Father in the Temple, as also prescribed in the Law of Moses for first-born male children. According to tradition, it is not a “Principal Feast” (like Christmas or Easter), but is significant enough that it takes precedence over a normal Sunday observance.

So . . . . what does that mean for Good Shepherd, and what does it have to with candles?

For centuries, the candles for use in churches (and homes) were blessed on this day. We will observe that tradition! At the 10 a.m. service, we will begin our celebration in the Parish Hall, and process, with lighted candles, into the sanctuary, where we will also bless the altar candles. You are invited to bring any candles you regularly use at home (for any purpose), and we will bless those as well!

[ A short video from Wakefield Cathedral in England about Candlemas can be seen here: ]