Thanks to those who have stepped forward to serve on the Vestry Nominating Committee. As of this writing, we still need one more member to complete our committee. Good Shepherd bylaws call for a committee of three, one outgoing vestry member and two members at large. The role of the nominating committee is to propose nominees for three vestry positions and the Junior Warden, so that the congregation can vote in early 2020.
It’s not a hard or time consuming job. The current schedule calls for the committee to be appointed at the September vestry meeting, solicit interested members and publicize the candidates by the end of December.
Want more information?
If you have questions or are interested in serving on the nominating committee, contact Carl Algermissen at or Karin Elsen at before Monday, September 16th, as the Vestry will appoint the committee at their meeting on Tuesday, September 17th.