Stewardship 2020 Update – Love in Service


Your Stewardship Committee met in August and began planning Good Shepherd’s 2019 Stewardship Campaign.  This year’s Campaign, Love in Service, will start on Sunday, October 6, as we commission our Stewardship Leaders, our Ambassadors, and our Prayer Team.  Commitment Sunday, where we lovingly present our pledges for 2020, is scheduled for November 3.

What are we trying to do?

·         We would like to have one Stewardship Campaign for 2020 that will eliminate the need for a Supplemental Campaign and a Capital Campaign in 2020.

·         To accomplish this, we will need to raise in the range of $500,000 in pledges for 2020.  We had $442,000 in pledges in 2019 after our Supplementary Stewardship Campaign.

Well, how are we going to do this?

·         We will need some new pledges – We hope with our Invite, Welcome, and Connect Program, we will continue to see new families and individuals, leading to new pledges.

·         We will need to maintain or slightly increase our average pledge from 2019, which was $2859/ family or individual after our Supplemental Campaign.

Why are we doing this?

·         We believe that our parishioners want one campaign rather than three campaigns.

·         (hopefully, no Supplemental Campaign and no Capital Campaign)

·         We believe that we can meet our operating budget needs and our 2020 Capital (ongoing maintenance) needs in one Stewardship Campaign.

So, why is this 2020 Stewardship Campaign important to me?

·         We will continue to be a church family and community with outstanding worship and music, and growing to meet the needs of our church and our community.  This stewardship campaign will continue to support our mission and vision to celebrate, grow, and serve our church and our community. 

·         The budget will support staffing for ministries and programs valued by this congregation.

·         This budget will continue our plan to maintain our building and grounds.

·         We will continue to be the center of our community for use of our building and outreach.

·         We will reach beyond our walls and property with outreach to the surrounding community.

·         We will fulfill our obligations to the Episcopal Church of Colorado and our High Plains Region.

This will be a tall order to achieve, but we believe that we have a stewardship campaign that everyone can support and pull together as a church family.