On Friday October 25, St. Clare’s Ministry will be hosting a fundraiser to continue to provide worship, a hot meal, and clothing to those experiencing homelessness as well as the working poor. The event will be from 5 until 7 pm at their location at St. Peter & St. Mary Episcopal Church, at 2nd and Acoma in Denver, and will include a silent and live auction, food and beverages. We hope you will join us. More information will follow.
If you or your group at Good Shepherd would like to put together a basket, e.g. coffee, wine, books, music, games, children’s or sporting items, gifts for cooks, or gather another item or two for our silent or live auction that would be most welcome as well. If you know of a business or corporation we should approach just pass that information along.
Questions: Shelley Hitt, skhco@msn.com