Stewardship Campaign for 2020 takes shape

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We are beginning to formulate plans for our Stewardship Campaign for 2020.  We had a great Stewardship Campaign in 2019, and after our Supplemental Campaign we were able to balance our budget and retain our staff.

For 2020 we will need pledges in the $442,000 range again to balance our budget.  We hope that we will have 20-25 new pledges in 2020 with the work from our Priest-In-Charge, our Invite, Welcome and Connect team, and parishioners who will help us invite new families into our Church.

Our goals for 2020 will be to retain our talented staff in place and support the Administrative functions associated with our Staff and the Church, maintain our Building and Grounds, and meet our commitments to the Episcopal Church of Colorado, our commitment to the High Plains Region and our commitment to Outreach.

The Stewardship Committee really appreciates the commitment of Time and Talent that support our commitment to Treasure that allows Good Shepherd to continue to operate smoothly and effectively.  Our hope is that with the fall response to our 2020 Stewardship campaign we will not need to have a supplemental campaign.  We do believe we may need to do a Capital Campaign in 2020 to resurface our parking lot, replace carpet in our Parish hall and the hallways, do some painting, and hopefully finish paying off our mortgage.

Stewardship is an ongoing process that we talk about throughout the year and 2019 has been a banner year for us with a very impressive annual meeting with several people sharing what Good Shepherd means to them and the importance of our Good Shepherd Church family.  We have many programs in our Worship, our music programs, our Men’s Group and our Women’s groups, our Outreach work, our youth work and many other ministries.  Thank you for your support and stay tuned for more information on our 2020 Stewardship program.

Your Stewardship committee
Keith Anderson, Nan Behringer, Tom Billings, Griffin Bridgers, The Rev. Gary Brower, Anne McMahon, Andy Folkerth, Joe Namaksy, and Jim Wolfe