Appreciative Living Circles to be offered beginning July 8


What do you want most in your life?


How do you create it?

You’ve heard Appreciative Inquiry (“AI”) mentioned from the pulpit, in meetings and perhaps elsewhere. The strategies and techniques of AI can translate into one’s every-day life as well! If you are interested in the answers to the questions above, you may find participation in a four-week “Appreciative Living Learning Circle” a wonderful summer exercise.

Appreciative Living is not about fixing ourselves or our lives, but in finding what works; where we excel; what we love; what makes us come alive. It is about taking responsibility for the life we have created and for the one we desire. [Note: While it is NOT a religiously- or faith-, based program, it is easily adaptable to any belief system.]

For four Monday evenings in July (8, 15, 22, & 29), we will meet for 1-1/2 hours to learn how transformative this practice can be!  There will be no cost for the course, but participants will need to purchase either one of the following books by Jacqueline (Jackie) Kelm. Both are easily available online. They cover the same material, but the first has a more ‘theoretical” feel, and the second is more “self-help”.  There will also be a participant’s workbook that the Church will provide.

Kelm, Jacqueline Gascobert. Appreciative Living: The Principles of Appreciative Inquiry in Personal Life (Venet Publishers, 2005).

__________. The Joy of Appreciative Living (Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin, 2008).

If you are interested in learning more, please contact Fr. Gary at