December offers several special events for Good Shepherd’s children

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Advent Liturgy for Children December 1

Advent is a time to prepare our hearts for the celebration of Jesus’ birth. As is our annual tradition, we are going to have an Advent liturgy downstairs in the Children’s area on December 1, during the regular Sunday school time, for all kids age 3 years and up. The only difference this year, is that we will utilize the entire church service time as we explore the meaning of 8 Jesse Tree symbols and the kids will also make a wall hanging of these ornaments to take home.

Youth & Children’s Choir December 15

We are offering a youth & children's choir, on December 15, led by Connie Branton (our Choir Director). Rehearsals are Sundays from 10:20-10:30 on Nov. 17 & 24 and Dec. 1 downstairs during the Sunday school time. We will have one last rehearsal at 9:30 in the Sanctuary on December 15, right before the kids will sing in the service. All kids and youth are welcome!

Christmas Pageant Rehearsals

All children ages 3+ are welcome to join us for Christmas Pageant rehearsals. This will be an exciting and memorable way for children to experience the miracle of the first Christmas. Rehearsals are going to be December 8, 15 and 22 from 11:45-12:45 in the Sanctuary. A light lunch will be provided in the parish hall beforehand for participants. The very talented Suraya Bowermaster will coordinate this year’s pageant. Feel free to contact her with any questions at Please help us by volunteering to bring a light lunch for our estimated 15 participating children.

The nursery will be open for the 4 pm service on Christmas Eve. Volunteers are needed so we can provide care for our youngest church family and visitors. Please let Rev. Gary know if you are available to care for our littlest ones.

Communion Instruction, save the date and RSVP:

Starting March 1, Elaine Oxenbury is offering a 5-week Communion instruction series during the normal Sunday school class time. It will be presented as part of the 3rd-5th grade Sunday school class but is open to all children pre-k and above. Depending on the ages of the children who will participate (please RSVP), the kids may be divided into 2 age groups for either the entire time or just the second half of Sunday school each week. It will be tailored to the needs of the child and will honor your child’s Communion experience, whether this will be their first-time taking Communion or not. It will be a preparation for the celebration of First Communion or a continuation of the exploration of the meaning of why we celebrate this Sacrament. We will recognize the participants of this class and celebrate with those who will receive their First Communion at the service on April 19 at 10:00. Elaine will be in contact with parents and provide further details. If you have a child who is not in the 3rd-5th grade class, please contact Elaine at to let her know your desire to have your child join this class. Children don’t need to be baptized to be in the class, but for your child to receive Communion, they will need to be baptized. For more information on being baptized, please contact Rev. Gary.

Sunday school begins at 9:45 every Sunday. As a reminder, there is one Godly Play classroom, for children aged 3 years through 2nd grade. Grades 3, 4 and 5 are using Living the Good News.

An Advent Liturgy downstairs on December 1 (see above) will begin the month for all ages. The Godly Play classroom will have hands on presentations every remaining Sunday in December, led by either Elaine Farrell, Susie Street or myself with either Jackie Algermissen, Emma Blackburn, Kaitie Blackburn, or myself helping. The presentations for this month are as follows:

  • December 1st: Advent Liturgy downstairs

  • December 8th: Advent 1 and 2 (The Prophets and the Holy Family)

  • December 15th: Advent 3 (The Shepherds)

  • December 22nd: Advent 4 (The Magi and Jesus’s birth)

  • December 29th: The Mystery of Christmas

Elaine Oxenbury is the faithful every week teacher in the 3rd, 4th and 5th grade class. The liturgical teachings (meaning it follows what is being taught in the church service) for December will be:

  • Dec. 1: Advent Liturgy downstairs

  • Dec. 8: Voice in the Wilderness (We make choices and changes to welcome Jesus into our lives…Matthew 3:1-8 and Isaiah 11:6-9…John the Baptist)

  • Dec. 15: The Coming One (We believe Jesus is the promised Messiah…Matthew 11:2-6, James 5:7-8 and Isaiah 35:4-7…Jesus and John the Baptist)

  • Dec. 22: God with Us (We celebrate the birth of Jesus, our Savior and ever-present friend...Matthew 1:18-25 and Isaiah 7:10-14…The birth of Jesus Christ)

  • Dec. 29: Sheltered by God (Along with all creation, we praise God for making us and taking care of us!...Matthew 2:13-15, 19-23…The escape to Egypt)