Children’s Ministry News


I give thanks to God for all who teach His Word and help out with the kids on Sunday mornings.

Remember to set your clocks BACK one hour Nov. 3 before going to bed. Isn’t this time of year wonderful? Who can’t use an extra hour of sleep!

On December 15, during the 10:00 service, we are offering a youth & children's choir which will be led by Connie Branton (our Choir Director). Rehearsals are Sundays from 10:20-10:30 on Nov. 17th & 24th and Dec. 1st downstairs during our Sunday school time. We will have one last rehearsal at 9:30 in the Sanctuary on December 15, right before the kids will sing in the service. All kids and youth are welcome!

Godly Play and Living the Good News are the two offerings for children on Sunday mornings, beginning at 9:45. Please keep in mind that Sunday school will meet every Sunday in November at 9:45. Then, at approximately 10:35, we process into the sanctuary so the kids can rejoin their family at the Peace, followed by the celebration of Holy Communion. Please note: if you are running late, kids are always welcome, so come on down when you arrive at church!

Every Sunday in November, the Godly Play classroom will be led by either Elaine Farrell or Susie Street with either Jackie Algermissen, Emma Blackburn or myself helping. The presentations for this month are as follows:

·         November 3rd: Valley of the Dry Bones

·         November 10th: Jonah

·         November 17th: Daniel and the Lion’s Den

·         November 24th: Isaiah

Elaine Oxenbury is the faithful every week teacher in the 3rd, 4th and 5th grade class. The liturgical teachings (meaning it follows what is being taught in the church service) for November will be:

·         November 3rd: Invitation to Change (Jesus transforms us in the routine of daily life…Luke 19:1-10…Zacchaeus)

·         November 10th: Resurrection Life (Jesus assures us of the reality of eternal life…Luke 20:27-38…the resurrection and marriage)

·         November 17th: Standing Steady in God (Jesus calls us to remain faithful in tough times…Luke 21:12-18…the end times)

·         November 24th: Ruler of All (We acknowledge Jesus as Sovereign and Lord…Luke 23:33-45…Jesus loves us so much that He willingly died for us)

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and we look forward to seeing all the children on Sunday mornings!