Vestry approves Supplemental Stewardship Campaign


As communicated via email last week, and at the Annual Meeting on January 27, we are launching a Supplemental Stewardship Campaign to allow core ministries to continue at Good Shepherd.  We truly appreciate all of those who have contributed to the Hope Grows Here campaign, but at present, we are about $65,000 short of a balanced budget to sustain the current ministries and programs that are in place. 

The total level of pledged financial support for 2019, coupled with the unexpectedly high number of unpaid pledges from last year, only brings us 85% of the way towards a balanced budget.  Unless sufficient additional funds are raised, paid staff positions for our Sunday Children’s Program, Youth Program, Communications Director, Business Manager, and Bookkeeper will have to be discontinued, and our music program will be reduced to only having an organist.

We have an opportunity to come together at this critical time to support the hope that grows here.  Based upon a recommendation from the Stewardship and Finance Committees, the Vestry approved a Supplemental Stewardship Campaign, with the goal of attaining additional pledged income by the end of February.  Meeting this goal will maintain as many paid staff positions as possible and sustain the wonderful ministries of music, Christian education, children and youth, all of which are so vital to our church community.

No gift is too small.  A $2/day pledge would allow children and youth ministries to continue for ten days.  A $5/day pledge would sustain the music ministry for three weeks.  If we collectively pull together, we can not only sustain our core ministries, but grow our congregation.

Please prayerfully consider what additional support you can offer and help us to maintain the level of ministry that Good Shepherd parishioners have worked so hard to achieve.  Supplemental Stewardship Campaign Pledge Cards have been mailed to parishioners, and cards will also be available on the newcomers table in the hallway. Pledges can be placed in the collection plate on Sunday, mailed in, or made through our website at

Thank you for your generous support of Good Shepherd in the past, and we deeply appreciate your willingness to help us meet the financial challenge that faces us in 2019.