Announcing the 4th Season of Music with a Mission

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It's hard to believe that we are embarking on the fourth season of our Music with a Mission Concert Series. Thanks to all of you who once again contributed to our cause. Your efforts have enabled us to land a great lineup of artists this year, ranging in style from opera to ragtime, with a few surprises thrown in for good measure.

We begin the season on October 19th with an award winning guitarist from North Carolina named Mark Kroos, who plays two guitar necks at the same time. Our second concert of the season will be just two weeks later on Friday, November 2nd when we welcome Central City Opera’s performance of Love Notes. This show will showcase music from favorite operas and musicals featuring a soprano and tenor who will be accompanied with piano. In January, our very own John Mumford will perform with his group from The Mile High Banjo Society featuring ragtime and Dixieland favorites. And finally, we will round out the season with the highly acclaimed Spiritual Voices choir who will perform an uplifting concert of spiritual music. Specific dates and detailed information for each concert is available at our website at Access the full list now by clicking here.

Hard copy brochures of the season will soon be available in the Narthex if you would like to pick up a few and hand them out to your favorite friends and neighbors. Never lose sight of the importance of your role as a parishioner to spread the good news of our series, and to act as an ambassador for Good Shepherd. Together we can do great things in the name of Christ.

See you all at the concerts!