Hope Grows Here Stewardship Campaign Update

HGH Newsletter 1 - 2018 (Good Shep Episcopal CO) (1).png

As of 11/28/2018 we have received 114 pledges for $308,674 for an average of $2,708 per pledge.  As we mentioned previously, the Stewardship Committee has set a financial goal for 2019 of 175 pledges, with an average pledge of $2500 per family/ individual for a total pledge amount of $437,500.    

If you could not make Commitment Sunday, please consider mailing in your pledge, placing your pledge in the Sunday collection plate, or simply click the button below to submit your pledge card electronically. As always, your pledge remains confidential.

Our Stewardship Campaign is very important because we will build our 2019 budget based on our 2019 Stewardship Campaign pledges.  We will build the 2019 budget in December and early January, and we will present the budget at our annual meeting on January 27.  Therefore, in order to build the budget, we need to know the 2019 pledges as soon as possible.  We plan to announce the results of the 2019 Stewardship Campaign on December 9, when we will have one service at 9 am to celebrate the commissioning of our Priest-in-Charge, Fr. Gary.  The Stewardship Committee will have a nice surprise for everyone that morning.

Your Stewardship Team, our Ambassadors and our Prayer Team will be wearing ribbons identifying them on their name tags.  Feel free to ask them any questions, and if they cannot answer your question, the Stewardship team will get back with you.  Thank you for your consideration and your support.