Annual Report for 2023

Each year Good Shepherd prepares our Annual Report in conjunction with our Annual Meeting. This report is prepared by ministry leaders and staff and gives a detailed status of the state of Good Shepherd and its ministries.

Annual Report for 2022

Each year Good Shepherd prepares our Annual Report in conjunction with our Annual Meeting. This report is prepared by ministry leaders and staff and gives a detailed status of the state of Good Shepherd and its ministries.


Annual Report for 2021

Each year Good Shepherd prepares our Annual Report in conjunction with our Annual Meeting. This report is prepared by ministry leaders and staff and gives a detailed status of the state of Good Shepherd and its ministries.


Annual Reports for 2020

Each year Good Shepherd prepares our Annual Report in conjunction with our Annual Meeting. This report is prepared by ministry leaders and staff and gives a detailed status of the state of Good Shepherd and its ministries. You can download and/or view the full report below, as well as view sections of the report grouped by Celebrate, Grow and Serve.

administrative reports

Priest in Charge | Senior Warden | Junior Warden | Episcopal Church of Colorado | High Plains Region | Parish Administrator | Auto Donation Program | Buildings & Grounds | Communications | Counters | Finance Committee | Grocery Card Program | Landscaping | Legacy Society

celebrate reports

Acolytes | Altar Guild | Black Sheep Choir | Good Shepherd Choir | Contemporary Music | Eucharistic Visitors | Flower Ministry | Handbell Choir | Healing Prayer Ministry | Lay Eucharistic Ministers | Stewardship | Ushers

grow reports

Grow Team | Children’s Ministries | Coffee Hour | Congregational Care Ministry | Fun Committee | Greeters | Hospitality | Hungry Flock | Living Nativity | Men’s Group | Prayer Ministry | Senior Singles | Youth Ministries

serve reports

Outreach | Jamaica Medical / Dental Mission | Music with a Mission Concert Series | St. Clare’s Ministries | United Thank Offering (UTO)

2021 Annual Report for Good Shepherd, Centennial. A look at the year past, and great hope for the future in 2022!

Annual Report for Good Shepherd, Centennial. A look at the year past! And great hope for the future!

Annual Meeting, January 31, 2021.